Organized Travel

Can you believe that March Break is right around the corner? If you are among the lucky ones, you will be hopping on a plane and heading to a special destination. Maybe somewhere warm? Visiting family and friends? No matter where you are going, it's time to get organized for a fun-filled and stress-free vacation! Have you ever wondered what you are allowed to pack in you carry-on baggage when you are flying somewhere? We've spent countless hours researching exactly what is, and isn't, allowed onboard with you. Knowing what you are permitted to pack in your carry-on can avoid unnecessary delays, or worse, having to leave prized possessions behind at the security screening area. Isn't it much better to be organized and know that everything you packed in your bag will arrive with you? We think so! The following is a list of the most asked about items that are allowed in your carry-on baggage according to the guidelines set out by *TSA and Transport Canada*. Please check with your airlines to see if they have any specific carry-on restrictions. Cosmetics
Cosmetics in liquid form such as eyeliner, nail polish, foundation and moisturizers. It also includes perfume. The rule states that any liquids must be in a resealable container that is 100ml (3.4 oz) and that all containers must fit in one clear, plastic, resealable 1L (1-quart) sized bag. You will need to take this bag out of your carry-on luggage when passing through airport security.
Other types of non-liquid makeup, such as lipstick, powders and blushes, are allowed in your carry-on with no limits. You may also carry on solid lip balms with no restrictions; however, gel lip balms are subject to the rules for carrying on liquids – 100ml. (3.4 oz or less). You are free to keep them organized in your cosmetics bag as you normally would. Toiletries
Toiletries are allowed in your carry-on as long as they conform to the rules about liquids. Stick deodorants have no restrictions, but deodorants in spray or gel form must be in the quart-sized bag. Liquid soap, mouthwash, toothpaste, saline solution, hairstyling gel and hairspray - anything in an aerosol can - are subject to the 100ml (3.4-oz) limitation as well. Sharp Objects
Scissors must have a blade no longer than 6cm (4 inches) to be allowed, even those with pointed tips. Disposable razors and their cartridges can be put in your carry-on, but safety razor blades must go in your checked luggage. Tweezers and nail clippers can be brought onboard. It is recommended that all sharp objects be wrapped to prevent injury to agents who may need to look inside your bag. Baby food, formula, and breast milk
Baby formula and food, juice, water and other baby items - these are allowed in your carry-on baggage or personal items. You can take these through the security checkpoints and aboard your plane. However, you must be travelling with an infant under two years of age (0-24 months). You may bring gel or ice packs to keep your baby products cool. Passengers flying with or without their child will be permitted to bring breast milk in quantities greater than 100 ml provided it is presented to the Screening Officer for inspection prior to screening. Gel or ice packs are also permitted. All items including formula must be presented to the Screening Officer and will be inspected. Cell Phones
These items do not need to be removed from cases or bags in order to be screened. Check with your air carrier for restrictions on the use of these and other electronic devices during your flight. Please note: In light of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 recall passengers are being alerted to a ban against air transport of this device. Passengers will be directed back to their air carrier if this device is discovered during screening. Contact Lens Solution
This is considered to be essential non-prescription medications. You are allowed to carry volumes greater than 100 ml (3.4 oz.) in your carry-on baggage. The same rules apply to decongestant sprays. These liquids must be declared to the Screening Officer separately. Diabetic Supplies
Diabetic supplies and equipment such as syringes, insulin auto-injectors, jet injectors, and pumps are permitted. Syringes must be for personal medical use, and the needle guard must be in place. The person must possess medication that is to be administered by means of the syringe or needle and biojectors. Liquid medications (i.e. insulin) are exempted from the liquid restrictions (including gel or ice packs to refrigerate the medication) and can be carried in carry-on baggage in volumes larger than 100 ml (3.4 oz). Juice and gel for passengers who indicate a need for such items to address a diabetic condition are also permitted. Any liquids, juice or gels must be declared to the Screening Officer separately. To facilitate screening, CATSA recommends that the medication be properly labelled (professionally printed label identifying the medication or a manufacturer’s name or pharmaceutical label). Gel-filled bras and similar prosthetics are allowed in your carry-on luggage. Inhalers
Inhalers under the 100ml (3.4 oz) do not need to meet any requirements for medication but need to be packed in the 1L bag for containers of liquids, aerosols and gels. Inhalers that are over the 100ml volumetric limit must meet the prescribed medication requirements. Documentation to support your medical needs or condition is not required; however, if you feel that it would help ease your screening, it should be presented to the screening officer along with your medically necessary items. Medical Marijuana
If you are travelling with medical marijuana, be prepared to show medical documentation. In airports where police are present, they will be called to verify your documents. Please Note: Flying outside of Canada with medical marijuana is illegal. For more information, visit Nail Clippers, tweezers, and nail files are now allowed in carry-on baggage. Nitroglycerine Medication
Liquid prescription medications are exempted from the liquid restrictions and can be carried in carry-on baggage in volumes larger than 100 ml (3.4 oz.). These liquids must be declared to the Screening Officer separately. To facilitate screening, CATSA recommends that the medication be properly labelled (professionally printed label identifying the medication or a manufacturer’s name or pharmaceutical label). Lighters
Disposable lighters (e.g. non-refillable Bic type) and non-torch lighters (e.g. Zippo type) are permitted with carry-on baggage. Lighters must be intended for personal use. Lighters are NOT allowed in checked baggage. Sun screen and lotions
100 ml (3.4 oz.) or smaller container permitted in carry-on* This is only a partial list of what is allowed in carry-on luggage. There are hundreds of items allowed, that are not mentioned in the list. More importantly, this is a list of what IS allowed in your carry-on. According to our research, the above items were the most popular asked questions by potential travellers. We strongly suggest checking with your country's security screening departments to determine exactly what can, and cannot, be packed in your carry-on luggage. The goal is to make the screening process as easy as possible. Being organized is the best way to do that! Check out our Pinterest Board – Packing Perfection – for lots of creative and efficient ways to pack for your vacation. You'll be surprised how much money you can save by packing efficiently! Smart Travel Tip

Check out our Pinterest Page for hundreds of creative and inspirational organizing ideas! As always, we'd love to help organize your chaos. We offer complimentary 30-minute consultations in your home, and can create a plan to tackle any sized space! Contact us now to get started!
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