Kids' Room Chaos!
How many times have you spontaneously started break-dancing in the middle of the night as you tiptoe into your child’s bedroom to check on them? How about the ‘hop on one foot and hold your breath dance’? What about the ’hand over your mouth and try not to scream’ dance? Anyone who has stepped on a piece of wayward Lego knows exactly what I am talking about. How can such a tiny piece of plastic cause such excruciating pain? I honestly don’t know, but I do know it hurts - a LOT! Let’s not forget the times we’ve inadvertently stepped on the world’s most special baby doll and made her scream “Mama”. Trust me; the doll scream is nothing compared to a four year olds scream when she thinks you’ve just squashed the life out of her ‘baby’. Sound familiar? No matter how much time we spend picking up their toys or cleaning their bedrooms, kids can completely destroy a room in a matter of minutes. If you’re reading this blog, chances are you know exactly what I’m talking about. Don’t despair – we have suggestions to help you curb the chaos and turn your child’s room into a calm, organized place to sleep and play. One of the most common mistakes we make when we clean our kids rooms is asking them what toys do they want to give away. The most common response is NONE. Why not try changing things up a little? Ask them which toys make them super happy and which ones they no longer play with. Here’s a suggestion on how to start the process of cleaning up the chaos in your kids rooms. Have your child sort through their toys and make three separate piles:
Give Away/Donate
Discard - If they struggle with this task, ask them which ones make them truly happy. For younger children, you can ask them which toys make their heart happy. Allow them to keep that toy and place it in the Keep pile.
Depending on the age of your child, you may need to help with the sorting process. Tell them that for every toy they keep, two toys must go. Let them choose which other pile those two toys can go in. (I suggest you take a look in all of the boxes after your child has done their part. Check for broken toys, toys that are suitable to give away, etc. Kids and adults don’t always have the same opinion on these matters!)

Make sure your child has a place to put their toys. We can’t blame them for leaving toys on the floor if we haven’t provided them with the space to store them. See-through storage bins are great for storing toys. Kids can see what’s in the bins without having to dump everything on the floor. Store toys that fall into the same category in one bin and put the name of that category on the front of the bin. For little ones who can’t read, use coloured paper and tell them which toys go with specific colours.

Make clean up fun for children. They love bright, bold colours. We came across an awesome idea for storing Lego and couldn’t wait to share it with you. Why not make a game out of putting away the pieces and popping them into this great storage ottoman? It’s an easy DIY project you can complete in no time at all.

It combines storage with stylish décor and you can easily substitute the pink colour for the colour of your choice. Love it! Not enough space in your child’s bedroom? Look how this bookcase was changed into a fully functional and organized closet. A brilliant idea for any bedroom!

Crayons, markers, craft supplies? No problem. Use your imagination to think of all the ways this every day item could become your little crafters best organizational tool.

Involve your children when making decisions about how to best organize their rooms. They may not understand words like functionality and organizational tools, but no matter how young they are, they have an opinon on colours, storage bins, shelving units, etc. It’s their room and you want them to enjoy being in it. The more input they have in deciding how it looks, the more luck you’ll have with them keeping it organized. Take a look at this playroom we were hired to organize. It’s now an organized, fun and functional playroom. We love it when a plan comes together!

For hundreds of more creative and fun ways to organize your kids’ rooms, click on any of the photos to check out our Pinterest site. You’ll be amazed at all the wonderful ways you can organize your child’s room. However, if the thought of decluttering and organizing your child’s room is too overwhelming, why not call a professional organizer to help, or to do the job for you? Don’t know where to start? Book your complimentary 30-minute in-person consultation online, or call us today, and we’ll be more than pleased to help you. Creating calm from chaos is what we love to do!
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