Back to School!
Do those three words make you jump for joy, sigh with sadness, or bring on an overwhelming sense of panic?! It's hard to believe that the...

Prioritize, then Organize!
Prioritize and organize your home with professional organizers in Ontario and New Brunswick, Organize My Chaos. Book your organization sess

Gardens and Garages
Crisp fresh air, cold noses, and warm fuzzy sweaters can only mean one thing – fall is here! This past weekend, I indeed pulled on a...

Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween! Wishing all our clients and followers a Happy Halloween that is safe, fun, and filled with memories! Wondering what...

Finally Fall
Have you noticed the beautiful fall colours outside? The golds, browns, and spectacular crimson coloured leaves? Aren’t they gorgeous? ...

Cottage Clean Up
I spent the past weekend at the cottage enjoying the last long weekend of ‘summer like weather’. Mother Nature cooperated and gifted us...